Wednesday, 29 July 2015

2 hour quick scene

I often swing past a place that's near our campus called Whipper Snapper Distillery which has a coffee shop in the front. While I was waiting I snapped a few photos and decided to model a quick scene from them, pinching some textures from the photos.

The photos I took on my phone camera (Samsung Galaxy S4).

All up the scene took about 2 hours to model, texture and render. The UV's are quite terrible and are a total hack job, the texture density could have been figured out better, and my modelling could have been more efficient but the idea was speed. I want to get a lot more of these little tests done with time constraints.

Render of the scene. Beauty & quick AO pass comped.

Second render.
Basic normal and spec maps were generated from the texture within Photoshop without spending too much time. The scene is relatively low weight with 3270 poly's. Textures were 2k resolution, a standard Blinn was used in Maya for the shader, the little tumblers on the counter top were created from a mia_material_x.

Diffuse, spec, normal, all from PS. The only thing not sourced from photos was the metal texture.

Some junk I do at work

Even though I've been back studying for the last 1.5 years, I've stayed on working casually in the office where I'm employed at a home automation company.

It's been great as my role here has changed from sales to more of a sales-team-assistant-dude. I've spent a lot of time putting my design chops to work creating flyers, brochures, mail-outs, fixing web site stuff and helping develop our sales processes further.

Vector images used in a manual. Pretty simple stuff but enjoyable to create.

The fact I'm able to study and then come to work and use Adobe software all day is really good to help keep my skills developing in other areas rather than just games! In-Design is something I hadn't even looked at before but now I'm becoming quite proficient with it for print, as well as keeping up with vector designs in Illustrator and general pixel bashing in Photoshop.

This was printed to a sticker and stuck on a specific size piece of MDF we cut to be used as a "training board".

The finished board once the sticker was stuck on and I pulled some gear out of our warehouse to bolt on to it.

Tuesday, 21 July 2015

Face rigging in Maya

Started a little exercise to rig a pixar-esque face mesh in maya. Model was graciously donated by our lecturer Anthony. I plan to model my own head in a similar fashion and rig it up in the same way!

Face mesh with rig overlay, rig on its own.
Floating GUI to constrain to rig for animation, relating to joint position. Rig hierarchy.

Very straight forward work flow, of course joint position and skin weight painting is key! Haven't constrained the rig to the face GUI yet, that comes next.

Realistic sandwich physics

So a game I've been working on in class with some other students should get finished by the end of this year. It's influenced by games like "Paper Toss" and revolves around throwing objects in an office and breaking stuff. Current working title is "Break Time".

The idea is it will be a mobile only game. As we're making it in Unity on PC we are controlling it with mouse click and hold, drag to throw objects sort of dynamics. Hopefully this translates to touch screen/gyro control. We will have to push it to android soon to test it out and figure the limitations of the engine/physics calculations etc. Our Trello board is bustling with assets we need to finish!

More assets, the list keeps growing.

The holy breakable sandwich. This little baby comes apart. Need splatter decals!
Little office sandbox type thing.

Stuff thrown around. Points!

We're aiming to get this done and published in the next 6 months. Today we've started discussions amongst lecturers and groups of students to figure out the semantics of marketing and shipping a game.

Need to settle on a business name, how much it will all cost, etc etc. So much work to do! Exciting times though, it would be nice to get something published.

Cue begging for Kickstarter money.