Sunday, 29 November 2015

So much has been happening...

Quick post as it's been a while, so much has been happening.

Trying to keep it short, I've moved into a share space in the city run by a good friend of mine, and I'm snagging one of the better rooms to use as an office to start my own games company. Hoping some of the other decent guys I've studied with will move in with me.

Work has been slow on my personal game "Break Time" but once study has finished (which it practically has) and I get back from holidays I hope to move full steam ahead with it, with help from the others.

I won second place in my region for a "world skills" game design challenge. That was a nice surprise as I thought I was too old to enter the competition (it's for under 25's) but my lecturers encouraged me to enter anyway.

I've been working on an environment scene for my end of year expo show reel, my eyes are falling out from the amount of time I've spent on it, but I just keep adding stuff! Here's a screenshot.

All textured off a single 2k texture sheet (except for the trees.)