Tuesday, 25 August 2015

Blacksmith House update

Going to finish this tutorial house up soon as I can, I'm improving my hand-painting technique and starting to enjoy it now. Happy with the progress!

Hand painting moving forward.

Monday, 24 August 2015

Ludum Dare 33

So I participated in a global game-jam with 3 other students, have to say it was a great experience!

It's an event called "Ludum Dare" and you get 72 hours to create a game and submit it over the weekend. A theme is selected for the jam via a poll, the winning theme is only revealed at the last minute so people can't pre-plan what they're doing. The theme this time around was "you are the monster".

So far on the website as of writing this there are over 2500 entries up, that's a lot of games!

Here's our entry called "The Game Reaper"


It's made me realize what we can achieve in such a short period of time, how tricky it can be to collaborate over the net, how important good coders are and how messy my pipeline is for creating art and assets!

We will most likely polish this moving forward and develop the idea further as it's fun to play.

Monday, 10 August 2015

UI Element Concept

Quick UI element concept done in class, roughly an hour in Photoshop. Could be used as health/mana type bar, reminds me of a Death Knight from WoW?
Icy Metal!

Monday, 3 August 2015

Logo hack

Here's a logo that was made as a quick exercise in class. The idea was to produce a vector based logo, then export the spline and bring it in to Maya for an extrude. That mesh was then imported to ZBrush and bashed around, texture was projected over the top then brought back in to Maya for lighting, materials and render. Final render was touched up in Photoshop.

All hail the high pass filter.

I picked out an old logo I had done in Illustrator for myself which was never used and ended up with this thing. Overall it didn't take long but I wasn't going to spend forever on it, was good practice in rapidly producing something that could be used for a game, animated on a loading screen etc.